AMG Family Dentistry
Dr. Galina Goldenberg
Call Us Today!
(732) 747-7711 @ Tinton Falls Office
(732) 721-3311 @ Parlin Office

Intraoral Scanner
When compared to the traditional molding techniques that often cause high levels of discomfort in patients, the dental intraoral scanner offers a far more quick and convenient method of getting an accurate image of a patient’s teeth in order to create an impression. Instead of forcing a patient to remain seated in a chair for fifteen minutes to complete the impression procedure, the dental intraoral technology can scan teeth wirelessly in a matter of seconds and without the use of powder, which helps save time and decrease patient discomfort to a large degree.
The dental intraoral scanners allow dentists to display a patient’s 3D-impression of their teeth on a screen almost immediately after the scan is complete. After seeing an up-close view of a digital impression, patients can grasp a better understanding of the condition of their teeth. The scanner also develops impressions in full color to aid the dialogue between the dentist and his or her patient, and improve treatment.

Intraoral Camera
The intraoral camera is an amazing diagnostic tool for viewing different angles in the mouth that we would not have been able to just a few years ago. The camera gives us the ability to view the entire mouth on a monitor so that we can get a closer look at any potential issues or problems that may arise. In addition, the patient will have the ability to see for themselves first hand the same images we are seeing. These digital images are also excellent for gaining procedure acceptance from insurance companies.

Digital X-Rays
Digital x-rays are quickly becoming adopted by a large percentage of the dental industry. A digital x-ray allows the dentist to take an image of the tooth or teeth and put it into an imaging program. Within this imaging program, there are a number of tools that will allow the dentist to take a very close look at the teeth and surrounding structures with amazing accuracy. As a benefit to the patient, the digital x-ray also provides nearly 80% less radiation than a standard x-ray. This is due to the fact that the digital version of the x-ray is much more sensitive to this radiation and has been specifically designed with the patient in mind.

Rotary Endodontics
Endodontics, more commonly known as root canal, is a procedure where the roots or nerves of the tooth are removed. This is often due to the fact that they are infected and the tooth is causing pain.
Rotary Endodontics is a way of performing the root canal utilizing a specific electrical handpiece. This tool often makes the process faster and allows the dentist to perform the process with greater ease.

Zoom Whitening
Your smile is the way you greet the world. While you have many options for whitening your teeth, your dentist is your best resource for whitening treatments. Only dental professionals have access to the most powerful, professional-strength whitening and can ensure your treatment is safe and your results are outstanding.
With Zoom in-office whitening treatments, teeth can be up to eight shades whiter in 45 minutes.

The VELscope Vx is the most powerful tool available for assisting in the discovery of oral abnormalities. The VELscope's distinctive blue-spectrum light causes the soft tissues of the mouth to naturally fluoresce. Healthy tissues fluoresce in distinctive patterns — patterns that are visibly disrupted by trauma or disease. Using the VELscope, a wide variety of oral abnormalities can be discovered — often before they're visible to the unassisted eye.
Discovering soft tissue abnormalities is particularly important in the fight against oral cancer. Because the VELscope Vx assists in early detection, cancer can be caught before it has time to spread, potentially saving lives through less invasive, more effective treatment.